
TileLetter is the official publication of the National Tile Contractors Association, Inc. (NTCA). TileLetter provides a medium for expressing views and opinions without approving, disapproving, or guaranteeing the validity or accuracy of any data, claim or opinion appearing under a byline, or obtained or quoted from an acknowledged source. Statements of fact and opinion are made on the responsibility of the authors alone, and do not imply an opinion or reflect the official position of NTCA.

TileLetter: Vol. 16, № 10 (October 2016)

 Volume: 16 |  Issue: 10 |  Download

Feature Story:
LATICRETE International, Inc.

Crossroads Business Park

Temperature fluctuations, large-format stone tile and high elevations pose a challenge

By Art Mintiest, CSI, CDI, LATICRETE senior technical services director