Specification & Fulfillment

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Are you using the right type of flooring for your project?

Are you looking for unbiased information about flooring for a commercial project? Do you feel bombarded by too many opinions with no way to verify the validity of what a manufacturer or salesperson claims? How many YouTube videos have you watched about “what is the best carpet to specify for your local airport?”

Commercial building environments present unique requirements for flooring. A single project may have a variety of flooring types. Fischer Flooring offers a full selection of quality flooring products from a variety of manufacturers. As an independent dealer we work to find the right solutions for your project and offer you a neutral, unbiased opinion about all products of interest.

We ask the right questions to fully understand the nature of your project, and help you select flooring products to fit your needs, expectations, and budget.

We an assist you in identifying the correct materials for your project.

  • Carpet
  • Carpet Tile
  • LVT
  • Sheet Vinyl
  • Ceramic Tile
  • Sports Flooring
  • Specialty Flooring
  • Engineered Surfaces

For outstanding results on your flooring project, contact Fischer Flooring today!